5th Inspire Hope Conference 2020

Keeping our Identity Strong
Gatineau, QC

January 17-19, 2020 Gatineau, QC

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Each year the Cree Nation Youth Council in Partnership with entities from across the territory organizes the Inspire Hope Conference. The event was established with the goal of providing youth with opportunities to learn, develop motivation and goals while also hearing from leaders, entities and Cree organizations that are available to support them. This year’s theme was “Keeping our Identity Strong” focusing on ideas of culture, language and how youth can connect with their history and Cree identity in the current day.

This theme resonates with the 2019 signing of the Cree Languages Act and the recognized need to provide support and dialogue on the preservation of Cree Language and cultural practices. The event was organized over the course of three days, with each day focusing on a different theme:

  1. Culture, Language and Life Skills
  2. Capacity Building
  3. Mental Health and Wellness


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Phillip Mattawashish from Commerce and Industry Hosting a Workshop on How to unlock your inner potential as an entrepreneur

During the three day event youth were provided with the opportunity to participate in multiple challenges, group exercises and workshops. These parts of the event aimed to build on the theme of each of the day while offering opportunities to explore traditional and modern learning opportunities including:

  1. Beading
  2. Resilience and Career Development
  3. Maintaining our Language
  4. Traditional Medicine
  5. Lateral Kindness

These workshops were hosted by partners of the event including Cree Health Board, the Cree School Board and Cree Nation Government Departments.

Cree Café

Image may contain: 7 people, people sitting, table and indoor

As part of a continued effort to share dialogue on issues of Capacity Building, Culture, and Governance the Cree Nation Youth Council hosted the Cree Cafe during the second day of the Inspire Hope Conference. The audience was asked to provide their opinion on issues including programs and services offered to youth, employment in Eeyou Istchee. These results are being compiled into a report that will be shared in the upcoming months after the event.

Gatineau, QC

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