Ten departments serving the nine communities of Eeyou Istchee.
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Cree Development Corporation
The Cree Development Corporation (CDC) is dedicated to empowering Cree communities and enterprises by offering tailored business support, safeguarding Cree land and interests, and creating opportunities for sustainable economic growth.
Justice and Correctional Services
We work to shape services, programs and processes that honor and respect Cree ideals, values and ways.
Environment and Remedial Works
Our vision is of a land of natural beauty where healthy ecosystems sustain our traditional lifestyle while balancing modern needs.
Commerce and Industry
Our Nation. Our Economies. The Department of Commerce and Industry is responsible for economic development in Eeyou Istchee. Our integrated approach helps us to build an economy suited for our nation.
Capital Works and Services
Ensuring that the Eeyou/Eenou local and regional governments' infrastructure and related services enhance people's quality of life.
Social and Cultural Development
Improving social conditions for our youth and Elders and supporting our culture and language.