Election of leadership and representation

The Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) and the Cree Nation Government are governed by a Board/Council of 20 members elected by the Cree beneficiaries as follows.

  • A Grand Chief/Chairperson is elected by all Crees every 4 years in a general election held by secret ballot.
  • A Deputy Grand-Chief/Vice-Chairperson is elected by all Crees every 4 years in a general election held by secret ballot.
  • The elected Chiefs of each of the 9 communities also sit on the Board/Council. All Chiefs are elected by secret ballot by members of their respective Cree community.
  • One elected representative of each of the 9 communities also sits on the Board/Council for a term of 3 years. All representatives are elected by secret ballot by the members of their respective Cree community.
  • The elected Chief and an elected representative of Washaw Sibi and MoCreebec also have a voice on the Board/Council, though their status has not been formally confirmed in legislation or through agreement with government.

List of Board Council members

  • Mandy Gull-Masty, Grand Chief
  • Norman A. Wapachee, Deputy Grand Chief
  • Chief Daisy House
  • Member: Christopher A. Napash
  • Chief Raymond Shanoush
  • Member: Daniel Mark-Stewart
  • Chief Michael Petawabano
  • Member: John S. Matoush
  • Chief Clarence Jolly Sr.
  • Member: John H. Wapachee
  • Chief Gaston Cooper
  • Member: Lance Cooper
  • Chief Greta Cheechoo
  • Member: Raymond Jolly
  • Chief Irene Neeposh
  • Member: Romeo Saganash
  • Chief Christina Gilpin
  • Member: Brant Blackned
  • Chief Robbie Kawapit
  • Member: Stanley George
Washaw Sibi
  • Chief Adrianna Trapper
  • Member: Jean-Denis Cananasso
  • Chief Michael Jolly
  • Member: no official member